TransPRK Surgery: Everything You Need To Know About This Advanced Eye Procedure


A pair of healthy eyes help you to live life to the fullest. They enable you to read your favorite books, watch entertaining TV shows, and enjoy breathtaking scenery. Of course, they allow you to see the faces of your loved ones and witness how they change as the years go by.

With this said, it is safe to say that the importance of eye health cannot be overstated. However, factors like age, genetics, and even lifestyle choices can negatively affect your eyesight. Your vision might get blurry, making it difficult for you to do the activities and things you used to enjoy a lot. In the worst-case scenario, losing your sight entirely is also possible.

All hope is not lost, though, because there have been many advancements in medical technology over the years. These breakthroughs allow eye doctors and specialists to treat or manage vision problems to help their patients see clearly again.

One example is TransPRK eye surgery, which is now also available in the Philippines. This advanced procedure helps correct refractive errors like astigmatism, myopia (nearsightedness), and hyperopia (farsightedness). Learn more by reading this article prepared by Asian Eye Institute, your trusted eye care provider.


Transepithelial Photorefractive Keratectomy: What Is It? 

Short for transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy, TransPRK is a minimally invasive laser eye surgery now offered to patients in the Philippines. It sets itself apart from other laser procedures because of its “no touch” approach, which allows for a faster recovery for the patient. This is highly beneficial for people engaged in more active lifestyles who may not be able to wait long before returning to their usual activities.

Like any other laser-based eye surgery, it can only be performed by qualified doctors and specialists. Before they become eligible, they must undergo rigorous training to help improve precision, accuracy, and patient safety while doing the surgery. Their knowledge about TransPRK will also help determine whether someone can get the surgery based on different factors.


TransPRK vs PRK Eye Surgery in the Philippines 

Both TransPRK and PRK are laser-based surgical procedures designed to correct refractive errors. They share many similarities, but they also have many differences.


Conditions Treated 

The two procedures can correct refractive errors. However, unlike other laser-assisted methods, both can be done even on patients with thin corneas. This is why PRK and TransPRK are among the most common alternatives for patients who cannot undergo LASIK due to such issues.



The main difference between TransPRK and PRK can be seen in how they are performed. With PRK, the doctor will use an instrument or any other kind of surgical instrument to manually remove the epithelium so they can get access to the corneal stroma. Once this is done, the cornea will be reshaped using an excimer laser.

TransPRK also involves reshaping the cornea. However, how doctors access this part of the eye is different because they rely on a special laser to remove the epithelium. No surgical instrument will touch your eyes, so the operation is minimally invasive and is often called a “no touch” procedure.

Since TransPRK does not involve the manual removal of the epithelium, it can be completed faster than PRK. Usually, PRK takes less than five minutes per eye. While it is already quick, it takes a little longer than TransPRK, which can be done in about one to three minutes.


Recovery and Healing 

PRK patients will wear a bandage contact lens after the surgery to prevent infections or complications and for corneal regeneration. Depending on how fast the epithelium heals, it will be removed in about a week. Experiencing itchiness and burning sensations is normal, especially in the first few days, but do not rub your eyes. Instead, use eye drops prescribed by your doctor to get rid of the discomfort or pain.

Several follow-up appointments will be scheduled: one to remove the bandage and a few more to monitor your recovery. Your doctor will tell you when it is okay to return to work or your usual routine, but it can happen in a few days or weeks. A complete vision recovery is expected in a minimum of one to three months, but it can take longer if other factors thay may hinder full corneal recovery occur during the healing process.

For TransPRK, the doctor will also place a bandage contact lens over the cornea to protect it during the healing process. It is usual for patients to experience several post-operative symptoms, like mild discomfort, light sensitivity, tearing, and blurry vision. Don’t worry, though, because they usually go away after a few days.

After 5 to 7 days, your epithelium will most likely completely heal. This is when your doctor will remove the bandage, and you may be allowed to return to work and your daily routine before the operation. A complete recovery can be expected in about three months. During this time, you must carry out the post-operative care instructions by your doctor and show up to follow-up consultations.


Are You a Candidate for TransPRK Eye Surgery? 

Now that you are a bit more familiar with the surgery, you might ask yourself, “Am I a candidate for a TransPRK eye procedure in the Philippines?” The only person who can ascertain that is your doctor because they can perform several eligibility exams to determine if you can undergo the procedure. They will also consider a few other factors, including the following:


There is no strict age limit for TransPRK, but like any other laser procedure, it is not recommended for those under 18. The upper limit is also not defined. However, considering that TransPRK can be used to manage presbyopia in some cases, it means that older patients can still undergo this procedure. The key is to ask your doctor so they can perform the necessary exams that will determine your eligibility.

Eye Health 

Another determining factor is your overall eye health. You can only undergo TransPRK surgery if you are found to have a stable eye prescription, which means that your eye grade must not have changed drastically over the past year or the last few months. Significant changes in your vision prescription might indicate that your eyes are still gradually developing, making you ineligible for the procedure.

Also, although TransPRK is known to help with refractive errors, you might still not be eligible if your condition is too severe. Your corneal thickness is a determinant, too, as it must be not less than 380 microns. If it is thinner than that, you would be advised not to undergo surgery to prevent complications.

Physical Well-Being 

Apart from your overall eye health, your general physical well-being will be looked into. Patients eligible for TransPRK surgery do not have any chronic illnesses that may affect the healing process. Their immune system should also be considered to further lower the risks of health complications arising from the surgery.


Lifestyle choices also matter when determining your eligibility for TransPRK surgery. Some professions or hobbies may require you to engage in different physical activities, and you should be willing to forgo them temporarily, especially while you are still in the recovery process. It will not take long, but your doctor should be the one to tell you if you can go back to work or continue doing strenuous tasks.


Find a TransPRK Specialist in the Philippines Today 

You can find the best TransPRK specialists in the Philippines at Asian Eye Institute. We are a trusted eye care provider with many years of experience, and we have the facilities and state-of-the-art equipment needed for different kinds of surgical eye procedures, including TransPRK. We have numerous branches in Metro Manila, and if you wish to get in touch with our doctors, all you have to do is schedule a consultation.


FAQs About TransPRK Eye Surgery 

How Much Does a TransPRK Eye Procedure Cost? 

You can assume that the cost of TransPRK eye surgery in the Philippines is not cheap. It is generally more expensive than traditional PRK and LASIK, but there are many ways for you to still undergo the procedure, even if you are a little short on your budget. You can try using your insurance program from a private HMO.

Asian Eye Institute also offers different payment options. You can settle your dues with us using your credit card, so you can pay your bank via monthly installments, which can be less stressful than shelling out a large amount of cash in one go. The interest rate, of course, depends on your bank’s policies.

How Long Is the Recovery Period After the Surgery? 

It depends on many factors, like your overall eye health and physical well-being. However, if you follow your doctor’s post-operative care instructions strictly, you can expect full recovery in months.

Are There Any Side Effects to Getting TransPRK? 

TransPRK is generally safe, and the success rate is incredibly high. There are a few temporary side effects, like glares and halos, which usually happen right after the procedure while the patient is still recovering. These symptoms go away naturally after a few weeks once your vision stabilizes.



TransPRK is an advanced eye surgery available in the Philippines for patients with refractive errors. It is a laser-assisted operation that can be done in minutes but promises excellent vision improvements. Being a “no touch” procedure, it significantly reduces the risk of corneal complications during the healing process.

More and more people are attracted to the prospect of undergoing TransPRK eye surgery in the Philippines. If you are one of them, be sure to find a specialist who can help you. Asian Eye Institute has their doors open for you if you want to consult an eye doctor who can make you understand what the procedure entails (including its benefits, costs, risks, and more). Contact us today to schedule an appointment.